Work plan

Work plan 6sava April 21, 2024

6SAVA is organised as 30-month coordination and support action, with project implementation structured into 5 work packages (WPs). WP1 will accommodate all tasks related to project coordination, financial and legal management, data management and communication. WP2 will deal with engagement of the regional ecosystem, from end-users to innovation facilitators, preparation of materials and demos, organisation of stakeholders’ workshops, as well as implementation and maintenance of the 6SAVA technology uptake platform. Gathered inputs on stakeholders’ requirements, territorial needs and regional priorities will be mapped with SIXTHSENSE results fit for exploitation, resulting with detailed specifications of industry 4.0 and civil protection use-cases (WP3). These concepts, together with potential consortium candidates and information from regional authorities in charge of Cohesion policy (CP) will result in preparation of applications for national and regional programmes (WP4). Special attention will be paid to WP5, focusing on dissemination, communication and education activities. Trainings on IPR management and technology uptake from TEC as European benchmark for research and innovation public funding and technology mapping to industry needs for partners from Widening countries will enable activities in WP3 and WP4. Communication activities will mainly focus on raising awareness on benefits of EU funded programmes, while disseminating project outputs (whitepaper and video lectures) to wider regional audience.

Pert chart describing the interconnections between the 5 work-packages.