The overarching aim of the 6SAVA project is to foster enhanced knowledge transfer, technology uptake, and innovative collaborations within three countries from the Sava River basin (Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina). Central to our endeavour is the valorisation of our H2020 RIA SIXTHSENSE assets, which not only showcase strong technological relevance but also possess significant exploitation potential. By establishing a sustainable bridge between diverse stakeholders, we seek to harmonize regional R&I initiatives with national smart specialisation priorities. This focus is supplemented with our drive to elevate the quality and reach of proposals, ensuring that innovation remains not just market-relevant, but also market-leading. Through integrated measures such as stakeholder engagement, proposal ideation, modular training, and the development of a technology uptake platform, 6SAVA is poised to set a new standard for excellence in regional R&I advancement.

To accomplish this overall aim, 6SAVA will pursue the following set of objectives:
- Connect and Collaborate with End Users: Reach out to both industry players and the public sector, specifically in civil protection, to gather valuable insights on the potential applications of the SIXTHSENSE technology. Forge meaningful relationships that pave the way for future advancements within the Region.
- Cooperate with Local Authorities: Partner with national authorities overseeing local funds in HR, RS, and BA. Connect with dedicated representatives overseeing fund execution, unveiling the strategies guiding these financial instruments and their synergy with SIXTHSENSE goals.
- Align SIXTHSENSE Results with Stakeholder Needs: Tailor the list of SIXTHSENSE results of interest to match stakeholders’ requirements. Align these outcomes with smart specialization strategies and funding opportunities for HR, RS, and BA.
- Empower Intellectual Asset Management and Technology Uptake: Amplify the capabilities of HR, RS, and BA consortium members in intellectual asset management and technology uptake through EU funded activities by creating and conducting intensive and dynamic training sessions, leveraging established tools and strategies.
- Foster Innovation for Regional Growth: Create and submit impactful proposals for pilot products/services at different TRLs directly targeting local funding opportunities, such as ERDF, IPA, and INTERREG. The proposals will catalyse the emergence of cutting-edge SIXTHSENSE-driven products in the dynamic region, with a strong focus on industry 4.0, civil protection and other applications indicated by stakeholders.
- EU Funding Awareness Campaign: Launch digital communication campaign highlighting opportunities and benefits of EU funded programs across broad regional audience. Foster collaborations with national authorities and EU delegations to magnify the outreach of targeted campaigns by leveraging influential platforms such as #EUforYOU.
- Engage the Region: Disseminate key project results to the wider regional audience through educational webinars and video lectures in collaboration with local authorities managing funds, as well as live talks at industry fairs and conferences. Create guidelines for alignment of H2020/HEU project results with national smart specialisation (S3) priorities and technological uptake and knowledge transfer through EU funded activities in HR, RS and BA.
The project embraces a quadruple helix model of the regional innovation ecosystem, bringing together key stakeholders from industry and business, research and academia, government, and civil society.

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